naseljima Vujići, Seljublje, Čifluk, Puljkov Do, Paraći, Donje i Gornje Hrasno u vremenu od 8 do 18 sati. Prema prognozi Federalnog hidrometeorološkog zavaoda danas će u Tuzli preovladavati umjereno oblačno vrijeme uz temperature od 13 ...
but then what of men like pater puljkov? no, the church was a work of men, and as corrupt and as honorable as the men who ran it. it was not god's fault that men failed; it was man's fault for imbuing an institution of man with the ...
but then what of men like pater bpuljkov/b? no, the church was a work of men, and as corrupt and as honorable as the men who ran it. it was not god's fault that men failed; it was man's fault for imbuing an institution of man with the ...